Ein Programm mit 16mm-Filmen der australischen Experimentalfilmer Richard Tuohy und Dianna Barrie, das uns von windgepeitschten Küsten zu pulsierenden Megastädten führt. Die Arbeit offenbart die Energie des Ortes, die sich in rhythmischen Bewegungen von Licht und Schatten spiegelt, und der Zeit, die von der Kamera in Einzelbilder zerlegt und vom Projektor zu einem flimmernden Fluss rekonstruiert wird.
Mesmo Rio - Same River
Richard Tuohy and Dianna Barrie, 7 mins, 16mm Pulfrich, 2019
Rocks become sand become rocks become sand. All life is life on the beach. You can never step into the same river, or walk the same city, twice.
Self-portrait with Bag
Dianna Barrie and Richard Tuohy, 6 mins, 16mm, 2020
A camera-less portrait of the artist. Super 8 cartridges placed inside a black cotton bag, the film advanced via a hand crank. The tiny gaps in the fabric weave make for dozens (hundreds? thousands?) of tiny pinholes.
In and Out a Window
Richard Tuohy and Dianna Barrie, 12 mins, 16mm, 2021
Our front window, from inside and out. Made during a long covid lockdown. A product of the distraction and abstraction that resulted from a lot of staring at the same pieces of glass.
Richard Tuohy and Dianna Barrie, 10 mins, 16mm, 2022
A staccato study of street level action and inter-action. People and vehicles on everyday journeys are atomised into coursing fragments of light, shadow, angle and inertia, reiterating and disassembling the creation of motion out of still frames at the heart of cinema. Filmed in ten cities on four continents.
Like a Lighthouse
Richard Tuohy and Dianna Barrie, 12 mins, 16mm, 2023
A blinding beam of light. The piercing sound of ships. Everything - the land, plants, the sky - shouts for attention. Perceptions assail us with their demands to be noticed. This film is kind of a home movie of a 5 day hike to the southern most tip of Australia.
Fear of Floating
Dianna Barrie and Richard Tuohy, 7 mins, 16mm, 2024
Humanity approaches in an ineluctable wave of uncertainty, hope and inevitability. A ferry crossing in Mumbai stands here for all such places and times of human expansion and human vulnerability.
The Land at Night
Richard Tuohy and Dianna Barrie, 14 mins, 16mm, 2024
I used to find the dusk a very unsettling time, as though the approaching night was something to be feared. It was as if, once night fell you could not flee, and had to face unspecified consequences. Maybe the land remembers and the night will reveal what we might have done...
Sa. 17.8. | 21 Uhr
Kino im Hof
Richard Tuohy und Dianna Barrie
kontakt: film|at|fux-lichtspiele.de